Welcome to Our Forum!

A place where residents of the town share thoughts, upcoming events and anything else you can imagine!

xx_cantyouseeherbloodturnstoash_xx (Viktor Nguyen) 12/29/2024 Sorry old man Winston...
user63928796736 (Winston Puckett) 12/28/2024 If those goddamn red haired freaks throw firecrackers at my house one more time, I WILL CALL THE POLICE.
You's scaring my dogs, for Pete's sakes.
TheBestMayor83 (Ellis Sinclair) 12/25/2024 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the town of Indigo Creek!
x_GlamGhoul_x (Lynn Nguyen) 12/22/2024 Honored to have been asked to photograph the christmas market this year.
Hope to see you there!
NaughtyN8 (Nate Williams) 12/01/2024 skid marx playing a show 2nite @ the abandoned warehouse
entrance is free
c u there ;)
JoeB1975 (Joe Brown) 11/28/2024 Free coffee today at Rosie's to celebrate thanksgiving day!
Come have a cup and try my wife's delicious baking.
The new cinnamon biscuits are to die for.
Vera_the_seabass (Vera Sinclair) 11/02/2024 Starting today, Indigo High School's secret mail club opens it's doors.
Leave a letter at one of the boxes spread around the school or come join the club to deliver them!
All letters are confidential and only the recipient's name will be read.